1950 Dustjacket edition

UK Trixie Belden and the Red Caravan Mystery Dust Jacket

Cello edition 1954

Cameo edition 1954

Deluxe hardback 1965

Ugly or Thin Hardback 1970s edition

Oval paperback 1977

Dean UK Hardback

Square Paperback 1984

Random House hard back 2003





Title :
Trixie Belden and the Red Trailer Mystery

Author :
Julie Campbell

First Published :

Chapter Titles :
1.  A Search Begins
2.  Sobs in the Night
3.  A Rescue
4.  An Awkward Moment
5.  On Jim's Trail
6.  An Eavesdropper 
7.  Wilson Ranch
8.  The Black Sentinel
9.  An Early Morning Call
10. The Lookout
11. A Locket and a Barn
12. A Fateful Sneeze
13. A Dire Threat
14. Hair Ribbons and Pigtails
15. A Moonlight Search
16. A Surprising Slide
17. Mrs. Smith Takes Over
18. Jim's Decision

Setting :
Sleepyside and Upstate New York

Synopsis :
Trixie Belden and Honey Wheeler set out in the Silver Swan with Honey's governess, Miss Trask to find Jim Frayne, the runaway heir to a half a million dollar fortune.  They become entwined in the lives of a strange family who are travelling in a red trailer.  When their daughter runs away and Trixie and Honey discover that the red trailer, along with many others, has been reported stolen, the two girls become determined to find Jim and solve the red trailer mystery. 

Characters : 
Trixie Belden
Jim Frayne
Honey Wheeler
Peter Belden - Trixie's father
Miss Trask - Honey's governess
Regan - the Wheeler's Groom
Ben Riker - Honey's cousin
Mr Darnell (Darney) - Mr Lynch's neighbour, who borrowed the red trailer
Mrs Darnell - Darney's wife
Joeanne Darnell - eleven year old daughter of the Darnell's
Sally Darnell - six year old daughter of the Darnell's
Mrs Smith - mistress of the Smith farm
Mr Nat Smith - owner of the Smith farm
Mathew Wheeler - Honey's father
Mrs Wheeler - Honey's mother
Mr Rainsford - Old Mr Frayne's lawyer

Villains :
Jeff - a waiter at Autoville trailer park
Al - a bushy haired man that Trixie mistakes for Mr Darnell.

Points of interest :
Julie Campbell introduces Ben Riker, Honey's cousin and establishes his practical joker nature.  He re-appears in a later  Campbell book, The Mystery Off Glen Road.

Campbell also mentions the Lynch's, neighbours of Honey and Trixie, and Diana Lynch, a class mate of Trixie thus introducing a character who will emerge in a later Campbell book, The Mysterious Visitor.

Trixie seems overawed by the Silver Swan, claiming that "I never saw anything like this" but not long after she insists she's been in the Robin before but can't remember when.  If the Lynch's are the only wealthy family Trixie knew before meeting Honey, it seems strange that Trixie can't place where she had seen the trailer before.